Furby from hell
#include <TimerOne.h> #define pwmRegister OCR1A // the logical pin, can be set to OCR1B const int ledIN = 8; // from furby leds to pin 8 const int outPin = 9; // output for arduino clock const int B_led = 10; // RGB led B leg... const int G_led = 11; // RGB led G leg... const int R_led = 12; // RGB led R leg... long period = 1000; // the period in microseconds int duty = 512; // duty as a range from 0 to 1024, 512 is 50% duty cycle int prescale[] = {0, 1, 8, 64, 256, 1024}; // the range of prescale values int IRpin = 1; // analog pin for reading the IR sensor float distances [20]; // array to store values for better sensor reading float gooddistances = 0; // variable to store good values from sensor int gooddistancescount = 0; // variable for count good values void setup() { // Serial.begin(9600); // start the serial port pinMode(outPin, OUTPUT); // define pin 9 as output pinMode(R_led, OUTPUT); // define pin 12 as output pinMode(G_led, OUTPUT); // define pin 11 as output pinMode(B_led, OUTPUT); // define pin 10 as output pinMode(ledIN, INPUT); // define pin 12 as input ledoff(); delay(1000); Rled(); delay(1000); Gled(); delay(1000); Bled(); delay(1000); ledoff(); Timer1.initialize(period); // initialize timer1, 1000 microseconds Timer1.pwm(9, duty); // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle } void loop() { for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { //get value from sharp sensor float volts = analogRead(IRpin)*0.0048828125; // value from sensor * (5/1024) - if running 3.3.volts then change 5 to 3.3 float distance = 65 * pow(volts, -1.10); // worked out from graph 65 = theretical distance / (1/Volts)S - luckylarry.co.uk distances [i] = distance; /* Serial.print("Distance "); Serial.print(i); Serial.print(":"); Serial.println(distances [i]); */ } // To get better readings use only repeating ones for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 20; j++) if (i != j) { if (distances[i] == distances[j]) { gooddistances = gooddistances + distances[i]; gooddistancescount++; } /* Serial.print("Distance i:"); Serial.println(distances[i]); Serial.print("Distance j:"); Serial.println(distances[j]); Serial.print("Gooddistance:"); Serial.println(gooddistances); Serial.print("Gooddistancecount:"); Serial.println(gooddistancescount); */ } } //if readings are good if (gooddistances / gooddistancescount > 10 && gooddistances / gooddistancescount < 90) { // Serial.print("Distance:"); // Serial.println(gooddistances/gooddistancescount); period = gooddistances / gooddistancescount - 10; // set furby clock depending on distance from sharp if (digitalRead(ledIN) == HIGH) //Turn on leds only if furby leds are on { if (period > 20 && period < 40) { Rled(); } else if (period > 40 && period < 60) { Gled(); } else if (period > 60 && period < 80) { Bled(); } } else { ledoff(); //if furby led if off turn our leds off } // Serial.print("Setting period to "); // Serial.println(period); Timer1.setPeriod(period); Timer1.setPwmDuty(outPin, duty); // don't change the duty cycle } gooddistances = 0; //reset values gooddistancescount = 0; //reset values } //somefunction from TimerOne library bool setPulseWidth(long microseconds) { bool ret = false; int prescaleValue = prescale[Timer1.clockSelectBits]; // calculate time per tick in ns long precision = (F_CPU / 128000) * prescaleValue; period = precision * ICR1 / 1000; // period in microseconds if (microseconds < period) { duty = map(microseconds, 0, period, 0, 1024); if (duty < 1) duty = 1; if (microseconds > 0 && duty < RESOLUTION) { Timer1.pwm(outPin, duty); ret = true; } } return ret; } //Turn LEDs off void ledoff() { digitalWrite(R_led, LOW); digitalWrite(G_led, LOW); digitalWrite(B_led, LOW); } //Turn only R LED void Rled() { digitalWrite(R_led, HIGH); digitalWrite(G_led, LOW); digitalWrite(B_led, LOW); } //Turn only G LED void Gled() { digitalWrite(R_led, LOW); digitalWrite(G_led, HIGH); digitalWrite(B_led, LOW); } //Turn only B LED void Bled() { digitalWrite(R_led, LOW); digitalWrite(G_led, LOW); digitalWrite(B_led, HIGH); }