Author: Goran Mahovlić
BLE on Samsung galaxy Fame
Now that I was able to hack smart bracelet I need phone so I can check BLE samples. I have some old Samsung Galaxy fame that has Bluetooth 4.0 hardware, but official ROM does not support it, so I ned rok that is higher then 4.3 I have tested few ROMS but lots of them did not work at all. Finally I h... »
Smarty the watch – it is aliveeee
After a bit of struggle I was able to wake up the clock. I was completely dead but when I removed battery I could see him with raspberry debugger and load new firmware. First thing I have found that it is possible to program it from arduino Roger has nice tutorial how to g... »
Hacking Smart Bracelet Wristband
I saw on local store that there is some cheap Smart Bracelet to buy with BTLE. So I decided to do some research about it. It was iDo 003, and after some articles online I have found one that was cool to try. I have lots of idea what can I do with it if... »
Uradi sam Vodonepropusna LED traka
Jedan od brzinskih i nikad dobro istestiranih projekata :) U crijevo za vodu ugurao sam LED traku spojenu na nešto metara UTP kabla, nadno crijeva sam stavio olovo za robolov, i gornji i donji dio sam zalio pištoljem za plastiku, testirao sam preko noći i voda nije prošla unutra. Više puta sam ga no... »
Upgrading Furby Party Rocker Creature for Sound Art Incubator
Radiona needed some hacked toy for Sound Art Incubator. Deborah suggested hacking a furby toy and I accepted a challenge. We bought Furby Party Rockers Creature (Light Blue) After disassembly and checkup what can we “hack”. I decided to... »
Just another Proxxon CNC conversion
At first I needed something to drill holes on my home made PCB-s. Small Proxxon 50E seemed like a good start. But drilling from hand was so boring, so I decided to bought Proxxon MB140/S drill stand And in no time it was bored to :) So next was XY table Proxxon KT 70 And that was good for a while. T... »
ST780i thomson (speedtouch) 3xlan 1xwan
ako ste u win otvoriti cmd telnet upisati username: administrator jedan od ova dva pass-a prolazi pass: !M1PhoIAD2 ili !tc0Mht[VAS ACCESS CODE ispod routera] podešavanje pokupljeno sa linka: sve kopirati i samo pastati u konz... »
Kaotični windows modul WTV020-SD-16P
Kupio modul na ebay-u, jako lijepo izgleda i jeftin je pa reko da probam U-disk audio player TF SD card voice module MP3 Sound WTV020-SD-16P Arduino Nakon 2 dana borbe napokon je popustio. Ključno je bilo formatiranje na windowsima (bljak)… Ovdje sve lijepo piše pa da ne prepisujem http://www.... »
Battlemesh v9
The “Wireless Battle of the Mesh” is an event that aims to bring together people from across the globe to test the performance of different routing protocols for ad-hoc networks, like Babel, B.A.T.M.A.N, BMX, OLSR, and 802.11s. Many developers and community networkers will join the event... »
FPGArduino on Numato Mimas V2 Spartan 6 FPGA Development Board with DDR SDRAM
In arduino use this pinout »
BattleMesh v8 in Maribor, Slovenia
We are proudly announcing that the Wireless Battle of the Mesh V8 will happen in August in Maribor, Slovenia! This international annual developer conference brings together wireless community networks participants, WiFi wireless mesh networking enthusiasts, developers from the most popular open sour... »
Kreativne DIY mašine @ DORS/CLUC 2015 na ovogodišnjem izdanju DORS/CLUC konferencije predstavlja vlastitu produkciju DIY uređaja: sintesajzer Synthomir, 3D printere, CNC glodalice, primjenu Raspberry Pi računala u DIY / DIWO projektima, Arduino projekte, prezentaciju projekata temeljenih na Slobodnoj mreži, te mnoge druge el... »
Synthomir goes online with esp8266 wifi modul
This version did not work with putty, and linux, working from windows terminal This version is working from putty, just type ON and press ENTER to turn led ON on router with openwrt I have installed lua, and write a script that pings range of adress and blinks no. of connected clients Processing sam... »
Furby from hell »
Popravak Renault Megane kartice za paljenje
Jedino problematično bilo je rastaviti karticu jer je cijela poljepljena i jedino ju je moguće rastaviti sa skalpelom… Odmah po rastavljanju smo vidjeli da je glavna zavojnica odlemljenja i nakon intervencije lemilice, ključ radi :) »